I am fortunate as a college consultant to have professional experience on both sides of the table…. from the perspective of a college admissions officer and from the student’s view as a college counselor for students at a selective independent school.

Furthermore, I am a Professional Member of IECA (Independent Educational Consultants Association), MACAC (Minnesota Association of College Admissions Counselors), and a long-time member of NACAC (National Association of College Admissions Counselors). I attend national and local conferences, workshops, seminars, and webinars to stay current on the latest college admissions trends, and to maintain professional relationships. I have also been fortunate to visit and tour more than 150 colleges and universities.

The Admissions Officer’s Point of View

For more than ten years, I enjoyed working as an Associate Director of Admissions at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, NY and Hamline University in my home state of Minnesota. I have read thousands of student applications and attended hundreds decision committee meetings. I have also conducted student interviews all over the country and worked with families all over the world. As an advisor, I offer extraordinary insight into how the “process” works from the college side and how students can best present themselves through essays and interview skills.

I encourage students to ask hard questions in their application essays and to show through humor, storytelling, and irony how they are distinctive people and could contribute to a college community. As a result of my work with colleges and students, I bring a wide breadth of knowledge of institutions across the country.

The Prospective Student's View

After my work at colleges, I served as the Associate Director of Admissions and College Counseling at The Blake School, a selective independent school in Minneapolis. I helped students and their parents create meaningful priorities and goals in regard to the process. My expertise lies in my ability to listen to students and help them discover more about themselves, their values, and pathways to their future. I believe applying for college is not a contest but a process of questioning, exploring, and seeking the right “fit” as students prepare and revise their college choices. I am honest in my assessments, and strive to build trust and confidence with my student advisees… leading to long-lasting relationships.